Transforming TreatmentsBonelogic™ Hand & Wrist ModuleWe understand that diagnosing the extent of hand and wrist fractures can be challenging, so we designed a module specifically for hand specialists. Disior™’s 3D analytics software Bonelogic™ is a fast and cost-efficient way to:
- Get objective data for accurate diagnosis of hand and wrist conditions from CT, CBCT data - Create patient-specific treatment plans - Assess treatment outcomes |
One Software Many Solutions
3D treatment planning in minutes, saving you time in the operation room
Automatic analysis of radiographic parameters, that support you in quantifying dislocations, fractures and suspected impingement
No need to acquire several software programs, or expensive imaging equipment
Excellent applicability for various malformations and fracture diagnoses. Especially suited for complex cases e.g. four-corner fusions
Instructions for use |
Due to the regulatory requirements in individual markets, Disior™ Bonelogic™ 2 software is available as a medical device in the USA and EU. A research version is available in countries where regulatory registration of Bonelogic™ 2 software has not been obtained. If you have any questions about the availability of Disior™ products in your area, please contact Disior™ at [email protected].
Direct sales & supportWe are on-hand Mon-Fri 08:00-18:00 (Eastern European Time) for sales inquiries, demos and requests for custom analytics.