Health Capital Helsinki covers "Finnish Disior: One year after a major health tech M&A". Article on what the acquisition by Paragon 28® meant for Disior™. Find the full article here.
Disior™ mentioned in an article about supercomputing in Good News From Finland. Find the full article here.
Disior™ profiled as part of Business Finland's - Finnish Solutions for future hospitals report, March 2022. Read the report here, Disior is featured on page 103.
Disior™ featured in Maria01 Impact Report 2021 published March 2022
Health Capital Helsinki covers the acquisition of Disior™ by Paragon 28®
Disior is featured as the start-up of the week in Tekniikka & Talous.
Disior CEO Anna-Maria is featured on Health Capital Helsinki and talks about Disior's mission, medical device regulation and the new software tool coming May 2021.
Allied for Start ups - DTx Annual Report for 2020 features Disior
Disior CEO Anna-Maria is a featured founder in the Slush-Maria 01 collaboration Forward. A 6-part short blog series highlighting inspirational founders in the Finnish startup ecosystem.
Covid19 has impacted Finish start-up culture but Slush would not be held back and created Node by Slush to virtually host key networking opportunities. You can read about their 2020 journey in HBL , Slushs nya vd fick skrota alla planer efter två månader på jobbet. Disior™ is honored to be mentioned as one of the three most interesting StartUps by Miika Huttunen/ CEO @ Slush. In Swedish.
Disior™ funding News in Silicon Canals, Helsinki-based Disior aims to add 3D perspective to diagnostic imaging; raises €1.7M funding |
Our new office in Maria01, Nordics leading startup campus, Disior™ featured in Hufvudstadsbladet. In Swedish. |
Disior™ Company and funding featured in Talouselämä (Leading Nordic economical Journal). In Finnish. |
Disior™ Bonelogic™ Ortho Foot and Ankle CE-mark in Finnish Lääkärilehti. Published by the Finnish Medical Association, the professional organisation for doctors with a membership of 95% among all doctors registered in Finland.
Disior featured in Finnish Lääkärilehti, The Finnish Medical Association (FMA) magazine, on 17 December 2018. Published by the Finnish Medical Association, the professional organisation for doctors with a membership of 95% among all doctors registered in Finland.
Professor Risto Kontio, one of Disior Founders, featured in the Finland TOP100 Most Influencial People in Medicine annual list by Mediuutiset weekly newspaper.
Planmed and Disior sign a collaboration and distribution agreement Press release in English Press Release in Finnish |
Vote now! We were selected to the national finals in Nordic Startup Awards 2018 as Best Health Tech Startup. You can vote here.
We made it to the Nordic Business Insider hottest startups listing: The 19 hottest Nordic startups that disrupt healthcare with cutting-edge tech, featuring med tech, life science and digital health startups.
Our CEO, Anna-Maria Henell, interviewed by Hoiva & Terveys on going international with Med Tech software, co-creation and medical research with Medicl Doctors.
Feature article: Disior Augments Healthcare with Algorithms with Anna-Maria Henell telling the story of what we do and how she founded the company.
Anna-Maria Henell and Ilkka Kivimäki in Kauppalehti, discussing the startup - investor relationship: "With Shared Goals and Trust, It Is Easy to Disagree, If Needed" (the article in Finnish).
The (Almost) Unstoppable Rise of Finnish Health Tech - an article by Medengine, features Disior with Anna-Maria Henell, our CEO.
Disior featured in a Medium article, "Making Medical Imaging Intelligent", by, our investor fund. Maki is a 70 Million EUR Nordic fund.
Meet us at Upgraded Life Festival 2018! Anna-Maria Henell and Ilkka Kivimäki will be on stage Fri 01.06.. You can meet us also at Health Capital Helsinki stand during the expo, and at Spring Mingle on our home turf in Terkko Health Hub.
Upgraded Life Festival takes place 31.05.-01.06.2018 in Biomedicum, Meilahti, Helsinki |
In the Swedish YLE (the National Broadcasting Company in Finland) News with HUS and Microsoft on using medical 3D technologies: 3D-teknik och hologram ska hjälpa läkare att operera snabbt och rätt - testas vid HNS.
Anna-Maria Henell was also interviewed for the Swedish Yle Radio News. |
Our CTO Sakari Soini on Stage at the Al Monday event on May 2018, streamed by Tekniikka & Talous magazine.
Disior featured in Finnish Lääkärilehti, The Finnish Medical Association (FMA) magazine, issue 16 (20 April 2018).
Check us out in the Journal of mHealth, Page 17, March/April 2018 issue, in the "Health Innovation from Finland" segment.
Anna-Maria was one of the speakers at HUS seminar on AI and VR in Hospitals, on 15-16 March 2018. The presentation topic was "Virtual reality in Surgery".
Disior featured in Co-Founder magazine, announcing our seed round investment with , a new Nordic fund by Ilkka Kivimäki and Pirkka Palomäki, and our pre-seed investors.
Risto Kontio on VR/AR technologies in dental and maxillofacial surgeries, and how Disior software can be taken to surgeries with them, on Feb 2018 issue of Hammaslääkärilehti (The Finnish Dental Journal).
We were selected to the Future Wellbeing and Health Growth Track, a growth program by Kasvu
Press Release in English Press Release in Finnish |
In Med City News article on the Finnish Med Tech startup ecosystem: "How Nokia’s falling star has led Finland to boost its startup and healthcare ecosytems" on 30 Jan, 2018.
CSC - IT Center for Science featured Disior in their magazine. The article is on mathematical modelling and optimizing fracture treatment. In finnish
In Med City News on Dec 01, 2017: "Ex Nokia engineers' clinical decision support startup helps doctors analyze and treat bone fractures", with Anna-Maria Henell.
Anna-Maria Henell as guest blogger in the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation (Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö) blog "100 Stories of Mathematics" (Sata tarinaa matematiikasta).
Disior in Slush With Juha Tampio and Mari Alho from Microsoft, Featured in the Taloussanomat article on Nov 30 (in Finnish)
Anna-Maria Henell in YLE1 news on putting the clinical needs first in Med Tech innovation, with Maxillofacial Surgeon Juho Suojanen and Petra Havisalo from HUS VR Lab.
Prof. Risto Kontio on maxillofacial surgeries with 3D printed parts in Yle Akuutti "Varaosia ihmiselle" ("Spare Parts for Humans"; program in Finnish)
Anna-Maria Henell winning the Vanajanlinna pitch competition by Management Events in September 2017.
Dr. Risto Kontio, Maxillofacial Surgeon and Disior Medical Advisor, on reconstructive surgery in YLE News on 07 May, 2017 (in Finnish)
The cover story of Hufvudstadsbladet, 03 May 2017: "Bilden av entrepreprenörskap blir lätt fel" (in Swedish)